Becoming a Man in 127 Easy Steps

written and performed by Scott Turner Schoefield, performed at Out North. Reviewed 30 March 2008

I usually don’t like this sort of autobiographical one-person show, but Scott Schoefield is especially good at creating a rapport with the audience. The gimmick of letting the audience select the stories they want to hear from a selection of 127 possible anecdotes about being transgendered works because Schoefield uses it as a way of making the show less formal. The stories themselves come off as well rehearsed and well loved by their creator. The one I liked best was an angry piece directed at the performer’s own father, who’s threatened violence against his own daughter/son. While the performance is not at all haughty or pretentious, Schoefield’s aerial acrobatics, incorporation of Joseph Campbell references and use of ultrasound imaging to evoke the biological capriciousness of sexual determination all add the necessary polish to let the audience want to be guided through the performance wherever it will lead.

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